Data Management

A comprehensive data management strategy can be hard to implement, but it will save everyone involved in the research much time over the course of the project. Data lacking organization, quality controls ,and security can quickly become an incomprehensible and unusable data dumpster. Check out the Research Data Management page for self-help and submit a consultation request below for further assistance.

Data Sharing

Many funding agencies and publishers now require investigators to state how they plan to make data available for use by others. This is often done by submitting data to an established repository and having a persistent identifier (i.e. a digital object identifier) assigned to the data.

Please review our self-help Data Sharing page and submit a consultation request below for further assistance.

Data Interview

Are you overwhelmed with how to comply with the new NIH DMS policy during the day-to-day operation and don’t know where to begin? Or would you like someone to review your preparedness in your lab operation and provide actionable pieces of advice to do better? If the answer is yes, please check our Data Interview Service and submit a consultation request for further assistance.

Repository Selection

Your funder or the publisher asks you to deposit your datasets into a repository. Which one should you use? We can help you review the funder and the journal requirements and select the suitable repository for you, including our institutional repository, Digital Commons@Becker!

Please submit a consultation request and provide detailed information about your dataset, including the types and sizes of your datasets and the funding agency and publisher information.


If you are looking for published DMS plans or a tool to help you write a DMS plan required by funders, we highly recommend using the DMPTool.

Review the self-help resource on the Data Management and Sharing Plan page and submit a consultation request if you need further assistance using the DMPTool.