Becker Library’s new hub for training and tools to support the campus community in navigating data management and sharing policies from the NIH and beyond

Data management and sharing policies

See the requirements of Data Management and Sharing Policies required by federal and private funders.

Data management and sharing plans

Write a plan using templates with funder-specific elements and view sample plans.

Research data management (RDM)

Learn best practices for collecting and managing your research data.

Human participant data considerations

View specific topics and tools related to human participant research.

Data sharing

Prepare your data for sharing and select a repository.

Data access and reuse

Access and reuse data shared by others.

Per the NIH’s new Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy, applicants will be required to submit a two-page data management and sharing plan with all NIH grant submissions beginning Jan. 25, 2023. The policy applies to all Washington University NIH grant submissions that will result in generation of scientific data. The policy does not apply to research and other activities that do not generate scientific data, including training, infrastructure development, and non-research activities. Learn more »

Help raise awareness about this topic by printing and displaying an NIH DMS policy flyer.

Additional data services at WashU

Educational opportunities and services for faculty, staff and students beyond the medical campus are available through the Data Services group at Washington University Libraries.